Perimeter College Community Wind Ensemble

Perimeter College Community Wind Ensemble


Georgia State University – Perimeter College Community Wind Ensemble (PCCWE ) was founded in the fall of 1967 as the Dekalb College Band under the baton of Dr. Thomas Anderson. It has enjoyed much success throughout the years. In addition to performing around the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, it has been a featured performing group at regional and national music educators’ conventions.

The current director of the Community Wind Ensemble is Slava M. Pruchenko. Under his direction, PCCWE performs several concerts each year for the enjoyment and entertainment of communities in and around Metro Atlanta. Membership in the group is open to all musicians with a serious interest in performing beautiful, challenging music.

Our membership is comprised of students enrolled in GSU-PC and also individuals from the surrounding area. In addition to students, the players work in a wide spectrum of occupations including aviation, engineering, music education, and corporate management, just to name a few.

The wind ensemble rehearses on Thursday evenings during the concert season and performs at least three concerts in Cole Auditorium each year. Also the band is available for special event concerts such as holiday programs and community events.

If you or someone you know would like to join the Community Wind Ensemble here at GSU-PC, please contact the director, Slava M. Prudchenko. Please call (678) 729-7089 or use the contact form.

You’re Welcome to Sit In With Us

We always welcome new members. Currently all sections of the ensemble have open seats. Please call 678-729-7089 or use the contact form to schedule your (brief and non-threatening) audition.

Mr. Slava Michael Prudchenko
Associate Professor of Music
PC Community Wind Ensemble Conductor

Rules & Regulations

Rules of Conduct

GPC Wind Ensemble Policies & Etiquette

Complete text of Policies and Bylaws available on the GPCWE website


  • Everyone should strive to be on time for every rehearsal and performance
  • If you must miss a rehearsal notify the conductor and your section leader as soon as possible (contact list provided below). Excessive absence may result in dismissal.
  • Members should arrive in advance of rehearsals so they are warmed-up and ready by 7:00.
  • Repeat tardiness will be addressed by the Conductor.


  • Members are expected to practice and prepare their parts outside of weekly rehearsals.
  • It is a good idea to listen to recordings of the music we’re playing to get an idea of how your part fits into the overall structure.


Always act with respectful demeanor towards the band, its members, conductors and guests

  • Talking during rehearsal should be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • When the conductor is rehearsing a section, listen – do not talk or play your instrument.
  • Do not text or browse during rehearsal. Turn off or mute phones and other electronic devices.
  • Folders and sheet music should not be taken home. A copier is provided for your use at no charge.
    By taking folders or sheet music with you, you agree to pay for replacements if they are not returned.

Contact information for Conductor and Section Leaders

Conductor Slava Prudchenko
Flutes Corey Greenlaw-Mayfield
Oboes Paul Thurner
Clarinets Carla Memmelaar
Saxophones Robert Stevens
Trumpets Bill Scott
Trombones Michael Files
Low brass Thomas Cremer
Rehearsal Etiquette

Rehearsal Etiquette

  • Be in your seat, warmed up, and ready for the downbeat by 7:00 PM
  • You must notify the conductor and your section leader if you are unable to attend a rehearsal.
  • Conversation during rehearsal is inappropriate for several reasons:
    • It is distracting to others around you
    • It means that you are missing instruction given by the conductor
    • It raises the noise level in the rehearsal room
    • It is disrespectful to both the ensemble and the conductor
  • Always have a pencil at rehearsal.
  • You are a part of a larger ensemble. Listen to others, balance and blend with your section, match pitch, dynamics, articulation and timbre. Don’t try to dominate the conversation.
  • During rehearsal ALWAYS stop when the conductor stops. He stops for a reason: to make necessary adjustments & corrections. It is not a time to talk with your neighbor. Listen to his instructions even if they are directed toward another section.
  • Tuning to the concert master’s pitch should be done with your electronic tuner turned OFF.
  • Keep fragrances to a minimum. Some band members may experience allergic reactions.
  •  Do not leave any trash in the rehearsal hall or on stage
2019 Leadership

Advisory Board of Directors:

Carla Memmelaar, President
Corey Greenlaw-Mayfield, Vice-President
Thomas Cremer, Director
Robert Sewel, Director

Officers to the Board:
Robert Stevens
Maro Cooper

Corey Greenlaw-Mayfield, flutes
Maro Cooper, oboes
Carla Memmelaar, clarinets
Robert Stevens, saxophones
David Stoutamire, trumpets
Michael Files, trombones
Catherine Fox, French horns
Thomas Cremer, euphonium/tuba
Janice Vernon, percussion


Constitution and By-Laws

Georgia Perimeter College
Community Wind Ensemble
Constitution and Bylaws
Mission Statement
The GPC Community Wind Ensemble exists to represent our community as goodwill ambassadors, to provide its members with an on-going musical educational experience while providing cultural enrichment to the community through its performances.
At meetings of the Advisory Board of Directors, three directors shall constitute quorum. At meetings of the generally assembly, half of the active members shall constitute quorum.
In this section, the term “officers” shall refer to the President, Vice President, Personnel Director, Public Relations Director (Advisory Board members) and non-board members such as Secretary, and Librarian (officers to the Advisory Board). The Conductor (non-elective position, GPC full-time employee) is a direct officers’ supervisor who oversees and directs work of the officers.
b. Officers shall take office January 1 of the year after their election and shall serve until December 31 of the same year. All members of the ensemble, according to the criteria for membership as determined by the Conductor, shall be eligible to vote in elections. Officers shall have been a member of the ensemble for not less than one year in good standing at the time of their appointment, according to the criteria for membership as determined by the Conductor, to be eligible to hold office.
c. Nominations for officers shall be taken each year by secret paper nominations at the rehearsal preceding the dress rehearsal before the final concert of the calendar year. The President shall preside. Each ensemble member shall be permitted to nominate up to four members of the ensemble for unspecified officer positions. The Conductor shall generate a list of all members nominated and present it via email to the ensemble membership the following day. The Conductor shall dismiss nominations of ineligible members. Each nominee shall be permitted to decline his or her nomination by notifying the Conductor before the election.
d. Elections for officers shall be taken each year by secret paper ballot at the rehearsal before the final concert of the calendar year. The President shall preside. The Conductor shall present the final list of nominees to the ensemble membership prior to the vote. Each ensemble member shall be permitted to vote for up to four nominees for unspecified officer positions. The Conductor shall tally the votes and present the results to the ensemble before the final concert of the calendar year. The six nominees with the most votes shall be the officers for the following calendar year. The nominee with the highest number of votes shall become the President. The nominee with the second highest number of votes shall become the Vice President. In the event of any tie, the Conductor shall cast the deciding vote.
e. The first meeting of the officers shall take place the week of the first or second rehearsal of the calendar year, as called by the President. The President shall preside. At this meeting, the President and/or Vice President may abdicate the position to which he or she was elected by so stating. Upon abdication of the presidency, the Vice President shall become the President. All other positions shall be filled by nomination and vote among the members of the Board of Directors.
f. Concertmasters shall be selected by the Conductor, and shall serve at the Conductor’s discretion.
Removal of Board Members
Any Advisory Board member or officer to the Board may be removed from the Board and released from duties for cause by the Conductor.
A vacancy on the Advisory Board of Directors, or of the position of Secretary or Librarian, occurring between elections shall be filled by an appointment by the President with approval by a majority vote of the remaining Board of Directors.
GPC Joint (dual) Enrollment
The minimum (18 years old) age requirement for membership in the ensemble is hereby amended so as to exempt those otherwise below the minimum age requirement but jointly (dual) enrolled in both high school and Georgia Perimeter College.
Rehearsals, performances and other activities
Rehearsals of the GPCWE shall be scheduled in accordance with the current school calendar of the Georgia Perimeter College on semester-to-semester basis; it shall be held on Thursday evenings from the first Thursday of the GPC school semester through the last week of the same semester, or as otherwise designated by the Conductor. The Conductor also may schedule additional rehearsals as needed.
The Board of Directors, after consultation with the Conductor, shall be empowered to commit the band to performances, recording sessions, and other activities. The Conductor shall post on the GPCWE Web site the current calendar of upcoming rehearsals, performances and other activities. Activities or tours involving extensive travel arrangements or overnight accommodations shall require a majority vote of the membership for approval.
The Board of Directors shall establish a uniform concert dress for the various performances of the GPCWE, details of which shall be specified in the Operating Procedures.
Applicants for membership in the GPC Wind Ensemble shall have attained the age of 18 years (With the only exception of current “dual enrollment” GPC students); be required to demonstrate satisfactory musical competence as determined by the music director; and agree to fulfill all the responsibilities of membership set forth in the Constitution, Bylaws and Operating Procedures.
All candidates shall fill the required application and set the date for audition with the conductor. During the audition candidate before the conductor shall demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in playing his/her instrument through the following required elements:

Applicant shall play at least 4 different major scales and arpeggios (of his/her choice).

Applicant shall prepare and play one music selection (of his/her choice).

Applicant shall sight-read a piece music (of the current WE music selection).
The music director (Conductor) shall exercise final authority in all musical matters. He/she shall determine the musical qualifications of applicants for membership GPCWE; make all decisions regarding acceptance of applicants, instrumentation, seating within sections; select all repertoire; have final approval on the choice of guest artists; and assist with setting the performance schedule.
The music director will insure timely communication with the Advisory Board and will coordinate the repertoire selection with the band’s publicity, audience development and GPC music curriculum.
Instrument rentals
The GPCWE members can rent any of the music instruments that are in possession of the GPC Department of Fine Arts. Members should notify the conductor – Slava Prudchenko about their intention to do so. To rent the instrument every member should fill out necessary rental agreement, provide valid driver’s license and other photo ID, and pay required rental fee ($25 per Spring/Fall semester and $15 per Summer semester). All members who received rental instrument(s) ought to return them in timely manner as described in the rental agreement or on the conductor’s request; maintain them in good condition; care and protect them from possible damage or theft. All members who received instrument(s) for rent are strongly encouraged to add such instrument(s) to their home/car insurance policies for additional protection of their value.
b. Exemptions: WE members who need GPC instrument for short term do not have to pay any fee. All GPC employees are also exempt from paying instrument rental fee regardless of terms of use. Fee exemption status does not cancel application procedures. All applicants must fill our required rental form and provide two picture ID’s.
Upon approval by the Advisory Board of Directors, the Constitution and Bylaws shall be presented to the membership at large for consideration. At the following rehearsal, a vote shall be taken if quorum is met. The President shall preside. The Constitution and Bylaws shall then be ratified if no less than two thirds of the members present vote in favor of ratification.
To reassure the compliance with current GPC policies the Constitution and Bylaws shall be amended by the GPCCWE Conductor and the GPC Fine Arts Department Chair at their discretion.
Bylaws and other policies become active immediately after being published on the internet.

Come Play With Us

Fine Arts Building, Perimeter College, Clarkston Campus

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